Become an artful writer and storyteller

Start on the write foot

Book an initial consultation with me to review your goals and any writing difficulties you may be struggling with, and I will help you overcome those challenges.

Revise, revise, revise

As a writer, your main task will be to continuously revise your work until it is flawless, and tells a compelling story about you and your motivations and aspirations.

A step-by-step process

Depending on what stage you are in your writing process, I will help guide you step-by-step, from start to finish, so you walk away with the best version possible of your essay.

Grow your creative confidence

Do you have writers block? Doubt your writing skills ? Or simply don’t know how to start your personal essay? That’s OK.

I will help you build your writing chops and develop your editing muscles. After working with me , you will walk away a more confident and creative writer. My goal is to teach you the art of personal essay writing. So, have no fear. Reach out today via email or text to get started on becoming the writer I know you have within you. Through experiential learning, I will place you in the driver’s seat of your writing journey, but will support and guide you along the way.

We will work on editing your drafts of personal essays together

Your first draft is a great start to the process, but it won’t be your last. Get comfortable writing multiple drafts and revising your work. I’m here for you, so let’s work together.

The world is your oyster